2010년 1월 31일 일요일

Do You Realize?

Do You Realize that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize we're floating in space
Do You Realize that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize that everyone you know someday will die

And instead of saying all of your goodbyes let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Do You Realize?

2010년 1월 30일 토요일

Start Your Own Guerrilla Movement

The Guerrilla Movement

Guerrilla warfare is the irregular warfare and combat in which a small group of combatants use mobile military tactics in the form of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army. Masters of Love is a form of Guerilla warfare. Instead of violence and military tactics, we seek individual awakenings against the system and the conditioned mind. Once an individual is awakend he can begin to walk his own path instead of the path of servitude designed by the Masters of War.

The Masters of War

Social change will not come from our existing political system. Our political system is the operation center for the Masters of War. The Masters of War do not carry any solution to the world's suffering. They create the problem backdoors and send their heroic puppets to appear on stage and deliver a false solution. The Masters of War created the illusion of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so they could provide the solution: the invasion of Iraq. They created the drug hysteria and made people believe drug users were criminals, and not patients, so they could fill jails rather than providing access to treatment. They designed the economy to collapse only so they could rescue and buy out their favorite companies for little or nothing.   

Truth is Our Weapon

But the Masters of War can no longer lie. Why? Because you cannot lie to people that know you are lying. It doesn't work that way. The Masters of War can only lie if we believe them. More and more people are awakening to the truth. People begin to see the world's trouble more than just a few corrupt politicians. The truth lies in the design. Truth is the weapon of the people. Once the truth is revealed about our leaders true nature, there is nothing the Masters of War can do. Their entire system they believed to last an eternity will collapse.

Battle of the Minds

The fight between the Masters of Love and the Masters of War is a battle of minds. The Masters of Wars attempt to control our minds through false advertising, cheap entertainment, phony news channels, and fake values. By giving us just enough comfort and circus shows they suppress our instincts to go out and experience our true paths. The reason we live is not so we can watch our favorite tv shows after work. That has more to do with why we do not truly live. In the battle of minds, a revolution in the mind of an individual will have much bigger impact than an individual with a pistol in his hand.

Revolution in Minds

Once a revolution in mind occurs there is nothing the Masters of War can do to stop it. A transformed mind suddenly finds itself with no fear. One simply cannot justify fear any longer. One no longer feels it. One has trouble remembering the sensation of fear. Fear becomes irrevelant. If the cloud of fear disappears one sees no limit to what can be accomplished. Reality takes a new form. In this state of mind, the system designed by the Masters of War becomes irrelevant. Simply step out. 
Start Your Own  Movement

Gather your friends or talk to people in your neighbors. Start small groups within your community to see where you need to start. You can start a discussion group to educate people and help one another find their true path. If you are the creative type, find right minded people and create projects that can influence and awake people. Everyone can have a role in defeating the Masters of War. Find out ways to utilize the skills of each individual. What skills do you have?

                  Era of Change                    

Masters of Love believes now is the time for a new uprising in Gueriila movements. New forms of Guerilla movment can awaken the minds of people. Start your own Guerilla movment with friends and neighbors. Be creative and get your message out. The type of Guerilla warfare we mention will not be fought on the streets against the Masters of War directly but will be fought in the minds of ordinary citiziens. It is a battle to regain sanity. Remember, truth is on your side. We are aware that great change is coming soon. Be part of this great change. 

2010년 1월 29일 금요일

Pretending Not To See

As a harmonica blew in the background, John Henry Faulk, TV host for special “Folk songs and More Folk Songs”, spoke to the audience, “You hear that? Whatever we’ve done as a people, is always been turning up in songs. Folk songs we call em. I don’t guess there is a better way to know about a country and its people than listen to its song.”

The harmonica sound belonged to a twenty three year old folk singer who then began to sing a song he had written a year earlier.

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.

For the young folk singer, suffering and injustice clearly existed in the wide open. He could see that Jim Crow Laws were still enacted and that the tension in Vietnam was escalating. But so could everyone else. Yet no one was doing anything about it. So he wrote a song.

“I still say it's [the answer] in the wind and just like a restless piece of paper it's got to come down some time... But the only trouble is that no one picks up the answer when it comes down so not too many people get to see and know it... and then it flies away again... I still say that some of the biggest criminals are those that turn their heads away when they see wrong and know it's wrong. I'm only 21 years old and I know that there's been too many wars... You people over 21, you're older and smarter” - Bob Dylan, 1962.

“Blowing in the Wind” reflects our culture today even more so then it did in the sixties. People die of hunger, curable diseases, and live with no houses. Instead of working on technological solutions to these problems, governments around the world race towards more sophisticated technology to kill. More people cry, more people die and more people live under economic slavery. And the biggest crime is: we are all aware of theses sufferings in the world.

The elite and super rich know about suffering because they create it and make profit out of it. The poor know about suffering because they experience it day to day. Those who live in between know about suffering through education or personal experiences. Yet, with all this awareness why has there been no significant change in humanity’s behavior?

When I was young it was easy to see right and wrong. I heard the people’s cry and I saw people living in poverty and I did know that too many people had died in this world. Then I grew older and I started to feel helpless and overwhelmed. Suffering seemed like a natural part of humanity. I had no skills no power to bring change in the world. In no way, could it have been my task to rid suffering in the world. So I pretended not to see.

And I felt no guilt. Why should I? I was against wars and injustice but it wasn’t me who was the one starting wars or the one with power to stop those who did. I had no resposonbility. So I ruled out that I had a role in it. This logic allowed me to solve the dilemma between my values and actions. And I felt quite comfortable with such logic . I had other things to keep me busy. I had to go to school, I had to go to work, I had to see my friends, and I had to watch my favorite tv shows. Soon the problems of the world meant little to me and I felt no guilt when I would hear news stories of war and deaths.

Now I have stopped pretending. I stopped pretending because I do see and hear and read about suffering. I made a conscious decision to live the way I think and not the other way around.

Your role isn't to go out and change the world today. Do not try to put the weight of the suffering world on your shoulders. It will take more than one person to eradicate hate and injustice in the world. Your role is to transform yourself. Your transformations is the most important change needed to change the world. Begin by simply stop pretending that you don’t see. Once you stop pretending the next step will come naturally. For Bob Dylan writing “Blowing in the Wind” may have been an extremely easy one. He just wrote what he saw. You will never feel true dignity with yourself unless you stop pretending. Stop pretending that you don’t know how much suffering exists in the world. Stop pretending you can’t hear people cry. Stop pretending you don’t know too many people have died. Stop pretending now!

If the answer is going to be blowing in the wind it is even more crucial that we change ourselves. So when the answer is given we will all be ready to run with it. Only through a sincere transformation of you can there be change in the world. Next time a wind blows by stop and feel the breeze and look to your feet. The answer may be right there. Waiting for you to pick it up.

Web Project

All crises existing in today’s world stems from a crisis in spirituality. People fear of discovering their true potential and their relation to the universe. People feel alone and feel little connection to change. Society manipulates people to listen to their ego rather than their true inner self. The ego wants to improve one’s reputation through wealth, fame, and power to serve itself. On the other hand, the true inner self wants to improve one’s character and skill in order to serve all. Our Society degenerates because people believe their ego to be their true inner self. War, Poverty, and crime all stems from a spiritual crisis. As a doctor would have to locate the root of a disease to cure his patient, so must our society correctly pinpoint the root of all crises. Most solutions provided by today’s system are merely a band aid to stop the bleeding short term. Will humanity bleed to death? However, if the root of our problems is correctly diagnosed as a spiritual one and given a spiritual solution, drastic change would follow. The crisis in spirituality exists but it too can be reversed.

The first crisis in spirituality is the failure to understand “becoming.” Every day one is “becoming.” One is either becoming a slave of their ego or becoming a brave knight conquering his/her true destiny. The failure to grasp this concept has prevented so many to discover their true self. For some people, it’s fear that prevents them from ever discovering their inner self. For some, it isn’t even a question worth spending time. They would rather make money then ask such a question. Some people see a glimpse of their path but then are soon discouraged through a few missteps or advice from others who do not walk the path.

How many people wish to “become” the ego? The ego is an illusion. The ego is who we want others to think we are. Once we create an ego we must constantly feed it so the illusion never disappears. Thus, if one’s ego is a fashionable person, one must spend money to buy new clothes even ones that are unnecessary in order to support the ego. The ego is, however, never one’s true self because the ego never cares about one’s character but only reputation. The biggest tragedy of the ego is one can never truly “become” the ego. The ego will always be bigger than what one is at the moment. Everyone who follows the path of the ego knows they are living a lie. They will always live in fear. They hide behind their ego because they cannot look into themselves. They fear to find a shallow empty person with little skills or value.

Those who wish to walk the path of “becoming” their true self, faces no such problem. They do not hide because they have seen their true inner self and they love it. They love their self and only want the best to happen. They desire to unleash their true potential and not to chase worldly desires.

The system we live in today is designed to be discouraging to those who wish to walk their own path. The system wants people to walk the system’s path: chasing money, fame, and power. Those who choose to walk their own may be ridiculed and be called too idealistic or out of touch with reality. Yet the bravest souls are the ones that walk their path. Our system should be designed to praise such souls and encourage others to do the same.

The second crisis in spirituality exists in individual’s failure to see the interconnection with all. It is difficult to see the correlation between one’s daily lives and the rest of humanity. Yet it exists. No one can be free from this connection. We are all connected to each other. No matter how small the action you take, even as minor as adding an extra stroke while brushing your teeth, it is connected to the whole world. Every negative thought or action you take will bring consequence to the rest of the world. At the same time every positive thought or action you bring will also affect the world.

When you see a bee you can see it as an individual but also when you see a bee colony you can see the whole as one. It is not so hard to see humanity as a whole too. The gaia theory views the earth as one. We can even view the universe as one. But how often do we think of our self belonging to a larger “self” in a day to day basis? How often do we think of the health and well being of this larger “self”? Turn on the news and see the ratio between positive and negative stories. At this moment is the combined human energy of the world loving and peaceful or violent and jealous?

We have told you all crises existing today derive from a crisis in spirituality. We have explained the failure to see one’s path in becoming and one’s interconnectedness to the rest of world as the crisis. Even though this diagnosis has been made a long time ago it has been proved to be extremely difficult to bring change to the system. Thus we propose if the physical world struggles to solve this problem how about solving it through the non physical world?

What if a website could easily portray this message to you? Not through words or lectures but through interactive playing? Imagine a social networking site that clearly portrayed the rules of Becoming and Interconnection. Imagine a website like facebook where people would log on everyday but would gain extreme spiritual growth through it. Imagine a website that demonstrated the constant flux and evolving nature of us. Imagine a website that encouraged all people to discover their own path and help others on their way too. Imagine a website that could rid of the ego mask and allow all individuals to be connected at all times. Imagine experiencing the interconnectedness, watching how one’s individual action affects the whole and in turn the whole affecting the individuals once again.

Social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, or Cyworld promotes the ego. People create egos on these sites and then they try to keep up with it. People become obsessed with how many “friends” they have and promoting how much “fun” they have. You get to decide if you want to accept one as your friend or not on these sites. We propose a website that would focus more on the whole unlike any existing social networking sites. The whole would be where one plays. Through the whole one would see how all individual actions affect each other. Discovering one’s true self will coincide with discovering the true self of the whole in this environment.

People today are alienated. People do not go out to meet their neighbors or to help the poor. Most people rather surf the internet these days. The internet is the best place to plant the seed of change. People who use facebook log on and off several times a day. Some people just leave it on day and night never logging off. If a website could be used by as many people and as avidly with a greater purpose the effect can be staggering. The web project will be a seed into the people’s mind. Once the seed blossoms people will see the true nature of the universe, becoming and connected, and the change in them minds will lead to change in the physical world.

The Path

There are two paths in this world. The path to become a Masters of Love or the path that serves the Masters of Power. Unknowingly all of us have taken a path one way or another. Masters of Love is a path. It is a path open to anyone who wishes to walk it. Those on the other path can switch over anytime they wish. Many people walk the path already.

The path is a way of becoming. In this path every step should become a transformation of yourself. There will be a transformation inside of you and the outside of you as well. Every step must lead to become a better person than you were before. Always you should become more loving and forgiving and learn to lose your old habits of jealousy and greed. Once you begin the path you will commit to the notion of becoming. You should always be aware that you are becoming. You should always practice becoming. You are becoming. The path is becoming. Working together to transform into the Masters of Love.

The path of Masters of love lies within. One must Look within to find who they are in order to awaken their true purpose of life. Learn to listen to yourself. Try to remember who you are. To a Masters of love, it does not matter if you own a Porsche or if you ride a bike. One is not judged by the outside. The inside matters. Always train to look within. Practice, practice, practice. A true master will then be able see everything in its true form.

To become a true Masters of Love you are also required to develop a skill and use it for the force of Love. This will be the outside part of your transformation. Let your skill reflect the change within you. Use your skill for the benefit of others. Use it to bring more love into this world. Your skill is a means not the end. Your skill is your weapon in the path of becoming.

During your path you will be constantly asked to use your skills to serve the Masters of Power. Greed and lust is their most luring tool to switch you in an instant to their path. How many people walk the path to serve the Masters of Power today? Do not hate those who do. Instead, love yourself, love the others, love what you do and love the path of Masters of Love and this they will see.

The first person you have to love is yourself. If you truly love yourself it means you have conquered yourself. You grow and work to improve yourself because you love yourself and you only want the best to happen to you. When you do not love yourself you will try to force yourself into work and this will only bring confusion.

At times you may feel your life is going nowhere. You may feel you are becoming but perhaps not for the better. You have become much lazier and less confident than you were as a child. Do not hate or criticize yourself for this. The path begins and ends with Love. No matter where you stand you will always be surrounded by love. Do not let the fogs fool you. Go beyond the fog and you will be overwhelmed by love. Let the love guide you.

The second person you have to love is everyone in the rest of the world. For everyone is yourself. We are all experiencing different manifestations of one. This is a concept that will be written in more depth. Practice to see everyone as yourself. Even those you hate, see them as yourself. Look into that person and recognize he/she is your same self on the same journey. If you are able to see this you will also see you have no reason to hate or feel jealous towards another. Rather you will recognize we should all be working together, encouraging and loving to go through this journey.

To become a true Master of Love you must be awaken to the current state of the world. You must be awakened to the control of the Masters of Power. How many people die of hunger everyday? How many people die of curable diseases? What is money? Who makes money? How many problems have the wrong solutions attached to it? Why are there all these problems and sadness in the world? All these can be answered if you do the research. The Masters of Love encourages one to focus more on the solution and their individual path rather than being despaired and angry at the problems of the world.

Masters of Love is not a religion. It has no temples, no priests, nor any ancient texts. It is simply a path. It is the path that exists within everyone. But it is a path most fear. A path that most do not dare to take. A path of love should not be feared but filled with different individuals from around the world. The more the path is filled with sincere individuals the path itself will grow which in effect will strengthen the individuals again.

Everyday you are becoming. Only you can choose the direction.