2010년 1월 30일 토요일

Start Your Own Guerrilla Movement

The Guerrilla Movement

Guerrilla warfare is the irregular warfare and combat in which a small group of combatants use mobile military tactics in the form of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army. Masters of Love is a form of Guerilla warfare. Instead of violence and military tactics, we seek individual awakenings against the system and the conditioned mind. Once an individual is awakend he can begin to walk his own path instead of the path of servitude designed by the Masters of War.

The Masters of War

Social change will not come from our existing political system. Our political system is the operation center for the Masters of War. The Masters of War do not carry any solution to the world's suffering. They create the problem backdoors and send their heroic puppets to appear on stage and deliver a false solution. The Masters of War created the illusion of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so they could provide the solution: the invasion of Iraq. They created the drug hysteria and made people believe drug users were criminals, and not patients, so they could fill jails rather than providing access to treatment. They designed the economy to collapse only so they could rescue and buy out their favorite companies for little or nothing.   

Truth is Our Weapon

But the Masters of War can no longer lie. Why? Because you cannot lie to people that know you are lying. It doesn't work that way. The Masters of War can only lie if we believe them. More and more people are awakening to the truth. People begin to see the world's trouble more than just a few corrupt politicians. The truth lies in the design. Truth is the weapon of the people. Once the truth is revealed about our leaders true nature, there is nothing the Masters of War can do. Their entire system they believed to last an eternity will collapse.

Battle of the Minds

The fight between the Masters of Love and the Masters of War is a battle of minds. The Masters of Wars attempt to control our minds through false advertising, cheap entertainment, phony news channels, and fake values. By giving us just enough comfort and circus shows they suppress our instincts to go out and experience our true paths. The reason we live is not so we can watch our favorite tv shows after work. That has more to do with why we do not truly live. In the battle of minds, a revolution in the mind of an individual will have much bigger impact than an individual with a pistol in his hand.

Revolution in Minds

Once a revolution in mind occurs there is nothing the Masters of War can do to stop it. A transformed mind suddenly finds itself with no fear. One simply cannot justify fear any longer. One no longer feels it. One has trouble remembering the sensation of fear. Fear becomes irrevelant. If the cloud of fear disappears one sees no limit to what can be accomplished. Reality takes a new form. In this state of mind, the system designed by the Masters of War becomes irrelevant. Simply step out. 
Start Your Own  Movement

Gather your friends or talk to people in your neighbors. Start small groups within your community to see where you need to start. You can start a discussion group to educate people and help one another find their true path. If you are the creative type, find right minded people and create projects that can influence and awake people. Everyone can have a role in defeating the Masters of War. Find out ways to utilize the skills of each individual. What skills do you have?

                  Era of Change                    

Masters of Love believes now is the time for a new uprising in Gueriila movements. New forms of Guerilla movment can awaken the minds of people. Start your own Guerilla movment with friends and neighbors. Be creative and get your message out. The type of Guerilla warfare we mention will not be fought on the streets against the Masters of War directly but will be fought in the minds of ordinary citiziens. It is a battle to regain sanity. Remember, truth is on your side. We are aware that great change is coming soon. Be part of this great change. 

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