2010년 2월 2일 화요일

A Better Reward

You are the most special person in this world. So what kind of reward are you receiving for being that person? Those who walk the path of the Masters of Love receive the greatest reward. The reward does not come in a big house, or a fast car, or green papers because you deserve more than that. You are of greater value and deeper meaning to the existence of the universe then to be satisfied with such meaningless rewards. Masters of Love promotes that people no longer believe in the false material reward and experience the spiritual reward that comes with the path.

Materialistic rewards are simply illusionary rewards created by the Masters of Power. The rewarding high disappears and soon as it comes. Take a look at all the material goods in your room. Do you remember feeling rewarded for your hard earn money when you first bought the product? How long has the ecstasy lasted? Do any of them still give you a feeling of great reward?

Those who walk the path of the Masters of Love receive a different kind of reward: A spiritual reward. Nothing in the material world can come close to a spiritual reward. Not even to its toes. For in the spiritual reward we find everything that we falsely thought to be found in the material reward. The spiritual reward does not come and go as a material reward. Instead it becomes a part of you. Your spirit grows and strengthens you in ways no material reward could.

Some people argue that it is human nature to be greedy and to desire. They argue that human nature cannot be changed and we must learn to live with it. If this is the case then all we have to do is elevate this desire from the material arena to the spiritual arena. Human has already demonstrated such elevations possible, such as sports being used to elevate our violent and competitive nature.

The spiritual reward is the true reward that we deserve. Take time and explore the deepest meaning of your existence with absolute seriousness. We are less than a dust compared to the universe but our minds can somehow comprehend this. Are we the universe witnessing itself? Every moment of our life we are writing the history of the universe. We are not some separate beings from the grand mysterious universe. We are the grand mysterious universe. Are we giving ourselves the true reward we deserve?

Why do you chase after material rewards? You chase because you have an illusionary view of the known reality or a lack of self resepct. Our society no longer reminds us how special we already are. We do not need to become rich or famous to be special. We are already something much bigger and significant than being on TV. We all carry a greater purpose. The sooner you change and begin walking the path of love you can start filling yourself with the rewards you deserve.

If you begin to truly understand who you are and how special you are you will stop chasing meaningless rewards. The thought that a green paper could possibily fill the love and reward the universe deserves to be laughed at. The path of love is not a empty and lonely road. But it is the path filled with more rewards than any gold or land could bring.

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